Howling at the Moon: Fake Experts Ortega and Shelton

Anti-Scientologist Chris Shelton joins “forces” with Tony Ortega, but two zeros don’t make for a viable “expert” on anything, and certainly not religion.

Tony Ortega’s Longtime ‘Sugar Daddy’ Is a Former ‘Paid Mistress’

When, like Backpage Tony, you have no scruples about where your paycheck comes from, you’ll peddle hate for anyone.

How 60 Minutes Australia Failed Laugh Test on Wacko “Source”

Exec admits no knowledge of disgraced blogger and atheist Tony Ortega’s former role as defender of Backpage prostitution-ad site when they allowed him on show to play “religious expert”

The Backpage Trial Is Over

The people and sordid operation Tony Ortega once defended are found guilty in federal trial, and further action could come.

Tony Ortega’s ‘Satire’ a Brutal Depravity

Tony Ortega’s invented story was called “editorial sodomy” by a journalist outraged at Ortega’s “prank.”

Does Tony Ortega Bad-Mouth Your Religion?

Don’t feel singled out. He talks hate toward everybody’s religion.

Thick as Thieves

Proverb: If you want to know someone’s character, look at the friends he keeps.

Tony Ortega’s Biggest Fear

As the trial draws to a close, what’s going on with the once staunch defender of the sex ads website who remains silent while his former bosses and colleagues face possible life sentences?

King Rat

Tony Ortega bailed fast from Backpage and seems happy to let the ship and his former boss go down—while he stays out of it

Tony Ortega on the Wrong Side of Right and Wrong

Ortega has downplayed criminal acts, promoted antireligious invective and defended a salacious sex ads website. What’s wrong with this guy?

Pants on Fire

When Tony Ortega was Village Voice editor, he played down the underage prostitution ads appearing on, calling it a “small number.” Anti-trafficking groups numbers tell a different story.

The Antireligious Gang

Backpage defense going after people of belief who pushed back against online sex ads

Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin Struck Gold

The Village Voice Media cofounders made huge money running ads facilitating prostitution and underage child sex abuse on Did loyalist Tony Ortega share in the wealth?

Tony Ortega’s Wife Arielle Silverstein: Still Sponsoring Hate After All These Years?

The UN employee continues her antireligious extremism by bankrolling her antireligious blogger husband.


Backpage: The Elephant in the Room

The worst-kept secret in Village Voice Media was where all the money was coming from.


Backpage Trial Continues: The Noose Tightens

“Attack Dog” Tony Ortega, who targeted Backpage detractors (in defense of his paycheck) and never showed remorse, remains silent.


60 Minutes Australia Uses Disgraced Child Sex Ad Apologist Tony Ortega as “Expert”

Paid propagandist Ortega got his start as a hired gun defending prostitution hub—now the focus of a major criminal case in Arizona.

Backpage Insider Testifies: “Those Were Prostitution Ads.”

With his blunt admissions, former Backpage CEO did the heavy lifting for the prosecution.


Tony Ortega Called Child Sex Trafficking “Small Problem”

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children said 73% of all child trafficking reports they received from the general public involved


Where’s Tony?

With his old buddy and former boss on trial, facing charges that could put Michael Lacey in prison for the rest of his life, Tony Ortega is nowhere to be seen.


Tony Ortega’s Treacherous Smokescreen

Tony Ortega has for years deflected scrutiny of underage sex trafficking ads on


Sex Ads. Profit. Pushback.

Tony Ortega’s entanglement with Backpage went well beyond his attempts to ridicule and discredit those who opposed the sex trafficking trade he profited from.


Conspiracy for Profit

As Tony Ortega entered The Village Voice, journalism went out the door and soulless moneymaking came in.


Tony Ortega’s Deal to Remain Silent About

Dirty money from sex trafficking paid Ortega’s salary for five years and has bought his silence ever since he was fired over a decade ago.


Ortega’s Silent Defense of a Rapist

Continuing his long record of defending sexual predators, blogger Tony Ortega went silent again as his friend and associate, rapist Paul Haggis, hit the latest snag in trying to get out of paying the $10 million judgment he owes to the woman he raped.


When Antireligious Hate Gets Personal for Tony Ortega

Tony Ortega, an apologist for hatemongers and criminals, supports bigotry and hatred that all too often ends in tragedy.


Tony Ortega: A History of Deceiving Readers

As a blogger and tabloid source, Ortega seeks attention by fabricating content


Tony Ortega: Protecting Predators

A perverted agenda: Ortega protects pedophiles and vilifies those who unmask them


Tony Ortega’s Religious Bigotry

As Americans mired in the Covid-19 epidemic turned to religion and prayer for solace, Tony Ortega mocked them.


Lampooning Rape, Kidnapping and Sexual Assault

From the twisted agenda of Tony Ortega